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United Kingdom
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Will is an archaeologist, lithic specialist & flint knapper. Will has been an avid ancient skills practitioner for a little over a decade, and whilst knapping is the main focus, Will produces a wide range of replicas, primarily focused on the pre-agricultural archaeology of northern Europe.

Will is always keen to facilitate engagement & interest in both experimental archaeology and a hands-on approach to archaeological materials & technologies. Will delivers ancient skills workshops, demonstrations & talks, and provides skills, replicas & materials to a range of experimental projects.

Will’s current interests include strategies for working osseous materials with limited lithic resources (inspired by work at the Mesolithic site of Rubha Port an t-Seilich, Islay), the late Upper Palaeolithic/early Mesolithic transition & the production and use of composite tools with bladelet/microlith inserts.

Available for work in open-air museums or at cultural heritage events with demonstration skills in

Happy to mentor and share my experience in the following skills

A man sits on the floor with a range of replica prehistoric tools laid out on animal skins in front of him. In the background are cabinets of some of thelater Prehistoric artefacts at the Museum of Islay Life A selection of replica arrowheads, made from colourful flint, are laid out on a bed of charcoal. Towards the top of the image is a frontlet made from a roe deer skull. The skull and antlers are stained red with ochre. A replica mesolithic arrow is laid next to an illustration of an archaeological find from southern Sweden. The arrow has a flint microlith tip & four triangular microlith barbs set in a groove along the shaft. A replica Neolithic pot The photo shows a replica of the famous engraved shale pendant from Star Carr. It has been strung with a fine twisted cord made from lime bast.
