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Read the latest news related to EXARC, our members, and the wider world of experimental archaeology and open-air museums on our News Page

EXARC is an international network connecting people involved with experimental archaeological research, ancient and traditional technologies, open-air museums, and heritage interpretation. We are a volunteer-run organisation registered in the Netherlands but with a team spread across the world. Our volunteers facilitate communication between the individual and institutional members that make up the network and also create a range of output including The EXARC Journal, The EXARC Show podcast, and The EXARC Blog, as well as digital content across a variety of popular media platforms.

EXARC is ICOM-affiliated, and works in collaboration with several international associations to ensure that our members have access to as many resources as possible. We have been part of several collaborations over the years in collaboration with partners from international institutions. You can see further details of these past projects through the link below. In addition to our external collaborations, we also offer the opportunity for both members and non-members to engage in special-interest topics through our Working Groups.


As of 2012, the Dutch Tax Service (Belastingdienst) has granted to EXARC Cultural ANBI status. The Dutch abbreviation ANBI means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen (Institution Aimed at the Common Good) refers to charitable, religious, humanistic, cultural and scientific institutions whose mission and operations are deemed by the Tax Service overwhelmingly to serve the Common Good. The Dutch government implements a fiscal policy that encourages the donation of funds to causes that advance the Common Good. Apart from granting tax advantages to EXARC, ANBI status also favors EXARC's Sponsors, Contributors and Patrons in countries that grant tax concessions to foreign registered charities, as well as those based in the Netherlands. Sponsors, Contributors and Patrons who have made a donation to EXARC may be able to deduct the amount from taxable income. For more see (in Dutch)

EXARC is registered as a non-profit association, founded March 16th, 2003 at Lejre Land of Legends, Denmark. EXARC is registered in the Netherlands in the Register for Associations and Foundations of the Chamber of Commerce, district Brabant under number 17279629.